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Employer, Employee sic [sic] (Robodog Records) By: Jeb Branin

Strap in and hold on because this is one hell of a ride! EMPLOYER, EMPLOYEE overcome their lame moniker with a CD that crushes like an industrial piledriver. Trying to lock them into a genre description would be futile since there are elements of everything extreme here from grind to metal to hardcore to screamo to fastcore to the kitchen sink. It is an impressive display of originality although I bet a dollar a lot of people are going to find it too far outside accepted norms for comfort. It is blazing fast most of the time with a damn near perfect number of breakdowns to provide counterpoint. The vocals are mostly screechy with death growl flavoring. The music is as almost as complex as DEP-style mathcore but not as pretentious. The lyrics are intelligent and the packaging is superb. It is also a "hit and run" affair that clock in around 20 minutes - which is a plus for this sound. What more could you ask for?
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