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VARIOUS ARTISTS: I Am Vengeance Soundtrack to I Am Vengeance (Meteor City) By: Jeb Branin

Meteor City Records is the home to a handful of the world's best doom acts so it makes sense that they be the label to release the soundtrack to I Am Vengeance - a no-budget splatter film that uses Doom metal music as its driving force. In graduate school I took a course on horror films as a genre and ever since then I have lost any and all interest in horror (too much of a not very good thing, I suppose). Thus the appeal of this as a soundtrack for me is zero. The appeal as an album is very, very high indeed. With bands like DOOMSDAY GOUVERNMENT and COUNT RAVEN (who share a vocalist), ETERNAL ELYSIUM, LOWRIDER and BONGWATER666 this is album a doom metal nirvana. If you've ever prayed at the alter of Black Sabbath consider yourself a fan of this CD as well. 15
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