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Holier Than Thou? 7" (Six Weeks Records) By: Jeb Branin

I almost tempted to begin this review with "Once upon a time..." because there is no way you can play HOLIER THAN THOU? and not harken back to the days of Southern California skate thrash. This is the kind of stuff that would have ended up as a Doug Moody production or on a Pushead comp. But to review this record by only looking back is to do it a disservice because regardless of its retro roots this is definitely a record for the future. The future of thrash. This band brings a newness and a franticness to their sound that is like a breathe of fresh air - or at least Venice Beach air. The band sounds young. The band sounds revved up. I other words, the band sounds like hardcore should sound. Indeed the record isn't perfect and sometimes sounding "fresh" can mean sounding like "a work in progress" but since when as that ever really been a major detraction in hardcore? You'll hear more from this band I would imagine. 15
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