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The Boggs The Boggs (Arena Rock Recording Co.) By: Alex Steininger

Bluegrass Country gone astray, The Boggs must have listened to plenty of Osbourne Brothers, Bill Monroe, and Hank Williams' records, alongside their Beatles, Kinks, Jam, Replacements, and other great rock albums. Because their self-titled full-length is an ass-kicking jamboree of old time country, fast bluegrass, and indie rock at its best. This is lively, intriguing, and original music that breathes life into the sometimes-stale world of indie rock. I'll tell you what, these guys are so clever and unique, I'm sure when the momentum takes off that hundreds of other bands will try and rip them off. Hooray for The Boggs, though. This is one damn piece of work. I'll give this an A.
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