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Andrew W.K. I Get Wet (Island Records) By: Alex Steininger
The creator of the new frat theme song, "Party Hard," Andrew W.K., dressed in his dirty white pants and tee shirt. With his long, greasy hair going down way beyond his shoulders, embodies rock 'n' roll in its grittiest, most stereotypical state, writing stupid songs about sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. Think the AC/DC for the new millennium, with possibly even less substance. But, what makes him enjoyable, despite his substance-free frill-metal is his tongue-in-cheek humor and big sounding, arena rock-gone-metal sound that still embodies a lot of pop principals, mainly structuring everything around a hook and making the songs glossy enough to get heavy rotation on the airwaves.Every summer has that one song that you'll always equate with that summer, because that's all you heard on the radio. Britney Spears got the honor a few years back with "Hit Me Baby One More Time". Now it is Andrew W.K.'s turn with "Party Hard". A guilty pleasure, maybe, but you know you enjoy it. I'll give this a B.
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