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Legends of Rodeo A Thousand Friday Nights (Bieler Bros./MCA) By: Alex Steininger

Legends of Rodeo are as cow-punk as they come, sounding like a bunch of punk rockers playing country music, sloppy and drunk, with punk intensity at every turn. This may be lazy journalism, as their bio name-drops friends Dashboard Confessional, Further Seems Forever, and New Found Glory. But, imagine those three bands listening to nothing but X, The Blasters, and Uncle Tupelo for a month straight, then going into the studio to record a record. You may not get this, but you'd get something like A Thousand Friday Nights, because it retains plenty of Dashboard Confessional-emo, and Further Seems Forever and New Found Glory pop-punk, while walking the country line pretty tightly. I'll give it a B+.
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