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MU330 Ultra Panic (Asian Man Records) By: Alex Steininger

Ska-popsters MU330 deliver their most ska-laden album to date. Ultra Panic is spastic ska as only MU330 can do, highly energetic and danceable, with flair and style, while never forgetting the rock that propels them. Organ and horns drench the songs, making them rich and ripe, ready to make you shake your ass and move.One thing the band has always been good at is writing crazy, chaotic songs that sound like so much is going on, but someone they bring it together and make it a song, rather than a bunch of random noise, all while having fun. And they manage to do so on this release, though at the expense of the pop hooks of old. It may not be their most accessible or immediately hooky album, but it grows on you, and once you've logged some hours with it, it will become your favorite MU330 album, as it has the passion and the fun factor to last. I'll give it a B+.
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