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Shank Coded Messages... (Deep Six Records/625 Thrash) By: Jeb Branin

Although it almost took an act of congress and a visitation by a supreme being, the "Coded Messages In Slowed Down Songs" LP/CD by SHANK has finally been let loose to feed on the masses. Boasting one of the most classic thrashcore/power violence sounds ever, SHANK are a band with enough brains to be gutty and enough guts to be brainy. Lyrically they slaughter sacred cows of punk rock right and left and question the McCulture that is festering everywhere in the scene. Unlike many bands who take a psuedo post-modern approach to deconstructing what they see (with no comment on alternatives or no real questions worthy of answers), SHANK provides plenty of food for thought. They take the time to comment on all their lyrics. They raise questions worthy of discussion thus providing something of worth after the deconstruction. Maybe not reconstruction, but certainly progression (if only in understanding). Musically the band is a throwback to the first-wave of 90s ultra-thrash. Without copying the sound, they tap into the frantic vibe of NO COMMENT, the brash attitude of MAN IS THE BASTARD, the pure hardcore fury of INFEST and the pounding crush of CROSSED OUT. Originally slated for release on Slap A Ham, you can now find this future "top ten of the year" album at Deep Six Records and 625 Thrash Records.
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