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The Bigger Lovers Honey In The Hive (Yep Roc) By: Cam Lindsay

Philadelphia's The Bigger Lovers couldn't hit power pop's nail on the head any better than on their sophomore album, Honey In The Hive. Consisting of worthy nods to the classics like Cheap Trick, Big Star and Teenage Fanclub, The Bigger Lovers' sound is simple pop music done without any catches. The tag team vocals of Bret Tobias and Scott Jefferson have a sweetness that even bees couldn't resist (which may have to do something with the album's title) interchanging without any real notice. Everything seems to be in check with how they write their songs as well. They have the slower "ode to" ("Emanuelle"), the pick-me-up anthem ("Ivy Grows"), a strong opening tune announcing what they're all about ("Half Richard's") and a soothing closer to signify the end ("Minivan Blues"). Honey In The Hive doesn't go wrong in any of its moments, making it an easy listen all the way through.
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