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Rzeznia Mathematic Grind (Self Made God) By: Jeb Branin

I make no secret of the fact that I am a big fan of "generic" genre bands. Generic sXe? I eat it up. Generic thrash? All day, every day. Generic death metal? Brutal, dude. Generic punk, generic pop, generic southern boogie, generic showtunes, generic new wave. I listen to it all. I even like generic grind. Which explains why I like RZEZNIA. Everything about this band is generic. The artwork is generic "veggie" grind commentary ala ACTIVE MINDS, CARCASS, CATTLE DECAPITATION. The music is 5th generation, carbon copy, middle-of-the-road, wearing-our-influences-on-our-sleeve grind. And those influences? You guessed it, early BRUTAL TRUTH, ASSUCK, NAPALM DEATH, etc. You've heard this all a million times before. That is why it is generic. It is also why it is good. Not great. But good. If you are a fan of grind you are a fan of RZEZNIA. That's just the way it is.
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