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Backstabbers Incorporated Bare As Bones (Blackmarket Activities) By: Vinnie Apicella

If you like variety, don't look here. If velocity's your thing, maybe a little vehemence and vocal discordance, "Bare As Bones" will radiate a warm feeling through your soul-- then tear it loose from your body and shred it to pieces. Classified as Punk/Hardcore music, yeah there's a good place to start but by the time we're finished, some 24 tracks and thirty minutes later, the more menacing side of the extreme is explored and exhumed in a spew of social commentary and siding with the shit-upon among us. Initial conceptions are of Anal Cunt, boasting brutishness on all levels from the title, to the lyric, to the presentation, ugly and loud and quite funny. Backstabbers come off similarly, fast, angry, spit-flying everywhere, precision-less playing that's attuned to nothing discernable to the human ear, though not without their moment of musical glory, assumedly at the expense of a broken string or break in the minute long rapid fire repeat.The difference here is "Bare As Bones" unlike an Anal Cunt, isn't gratuitously gory; Damn well be sure that when you see and hear a tune like "Problem Solving Techniques Of An Asshole" or "A Warehouse Full Of Mail bombs And Not One Fucking Stamp," there'll be some unexpectedly serious spouting going on. A revolutionary breakthrough I might add, since how many times do we wanna hear about the pessimistic kid who can't catch a break and regurgitate fuck the system and nobody cares labels for the same noise? "Bare As Bones" features a bunch of previously released stuff from seven inch's to splits to out of print debut's and serves as a bullet-riddled primer to their upcoming "Kamikaze Missions." For fans of A/C, Nasum, Left For Dead, or all who gain strength by enduring short bursts of noise-core at skull crushing speed by quick-triggered Hitchcockian-styled thrill seekers!
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