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THE_NETWORK 7" (Out Of Limits) By: Jeb Branin

THE_NETWORK 7' Review by: Jeb No, this isn't the band that caused all the uproar because it was supposedly a "secret" GREEN DAY. This is the "other" THE_NETWORK - y'know, the GOOD one. The one that sounds like they have taken all the unbridled chaos of the world's best thrash and spot welded it onto a framework of over-the-top DEP inspired poly-grind. The one that makes so much noise that the Pittsburgh airport in complaining. The one that you can listen to time and time again and each time it feels like you are getting kicked in the teeth. The one that is on the burgeoning Out Of Limits label in Pittsburgh. Yeah, THAT one. You've never heard of them, you say? You will, my friend, you will!
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