Desorden P?blico
The Ska Album (Megalith Records)
By: Richard Vardaro

Straight out of Venezuela, Desorden P?blico has been around since the mid 80's hitting the ska scene seemingly everywhere - but the USA!The Ska Album, their latest, is a collection of their best songs over the years plus two unreleased songs.
To preface, this is my first time listening to Desorden P?blico. They have a good two-tone ska influenced sound and speak mostly Spanish. The cover song (done in English), "Venus", made popular by Bananarama, is well done.
However, taking nothing away from the album or the talent of the band, I just can't get into foreign bands/songs. If you don't speak Spanish, you won't understand most of the words (obviously), and if I can't understand the words, I just can't get into it.
If you are a Spanish-speaking ska fan -- this album is for you. If you don't speak a word of Spanish -- this album probably isn't for you.