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All Night Radio Spirit Stereo Frequency (Sub Pop) By: Cam Lindsay

Members of California psych-country outfit Beachwood Sparks, Dave Scher and Jimi Hey keep busy with their other project, the even more psychedelic All Night Radio. One simple look at the album's artwork ought to sum up the music. Colorful, trippy and truly in debt to 60s acts like The Byrds, The Millennium and the Nuggets box sets, there is very little that reveals this is a 2004 release. And obviously, their hearts lie in the past. Using instruments such as the glockenspiel and reverb-friendly sound effects that seem almost obsolete today, All Night Radio are masters of recreating a 35 year-old domain. Their signature, self-titled song closes the album in the epic, kaleidoscopic mode of a blissful, 4:00 am come down. Spirit Stereo Frequency is a beautifully mind-altering work that is just as potent sober as it is under a controlled substance.
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