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VARIOUS ARTISTS Record of Shadows Infinite (Crucial Blast) By: Jeb

My favorite drone artists is JLIAT, who is not on this comp, but it seemed a relative comment anyway considering that this is a collection of quasi-drone minimalism. No, none of the tracks are JLIAT style "pure drone" but many are not far from it. This is the type of "music" that creates a presence in the room. Almost like a ghost - you think there is something tangible there (you can feel it and it gives you chills) but if you try and look directly at it, it's gone. If you try and concentrate on this music, you will find your mind wanders, but if you don't concentrate on it, you'll find it does the wandering for you. It usurps your consciousness, in a not-quite nefarious way, but a way that is disconcerting nonetheless. Fans of all kinds of music will hate this. Fans of anti-music will love it.
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