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Darkthrone Sardonic Wrath (The End Records) By: Jeb Branin

"Sardonic Wrath" is DARKTHRONE's ultimate nod to the primitive origins of black metal. The CD boasts all the evil fury and damnable dementia you would expect from any black metal effort by Fenriz and Nocturno Culto, but it is executed with a careful ear to the origin of the species specifically bands like HELLHAMMER, BATHORY, BURZUM, and the godfather's of it all VENOM. Even the production and overall "feel" of the album harkens back two decades. I, for one, think old-school black is better than new-school black, so I admire the effort being made here; but at the same time it makes me wonder if fans of DARKTHRONE wouldn't be better served by tracking down original old-school albums. Ironically, a good place to start is directly related to DARKTHRONE. It is a new compilation of old black metal bands compiled by Fenriz himself for Peacevill Records. It's called (simply enough) Fenriz Presents: The Best of Old School Black Metal.
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