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The Freak Accident The Freak Accident (Alternative Tentacles) By: Jeb Branin

Like VICTIM'S FAMILY, SATURN'S FLEA COLLAR, and HELLWORMS before it, Ralph Spight's THE FREAK ACCIDENT is another merger of quirky quasi-punk and the kitchen sink. Fans of everything from the aforementioned bands to NOMEANSNO to HISSANOL to power pop to early CHEAP TRICK will find something to connect to here. The real trick will be connecting to the entire album as opposed to bits and pieces of it. It's so eclectic that I would almost caution that you better be a fan of music, not just specific musical genres, if you are interested in picking this up. I'm not sure if THE FREAK ACCIDENT is a new permanent band for Spight or just a side-project/solo-project but I daresay the album has the feel of the latter rather than the former, which isn't a bad thing at all, just a caveat.
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