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Impellitteri Pedal to the Metal (SPV) By: Mike SOS

Impellitteri features the fancy fretwork of Chris Impellitteri, guitarist extraordinaire that, unlike other guitar heroes, releases a 10-track album that actually produces well-crafted songs like "Kingdom of Titus" instead of guitar showoffs. While tracks like "Propaganda Mind" rips off Disturbed blatantly, and the tongue in cheek flavor of "Punk", supposedly aimed at making fun at the rap-rock explosion, actually makes the band look a little bitter, there's still a lot of powerful numbers on this disc, such as the chunky "Hurricane" and the pounding "Crushing Daze". Alas, if you dig power metal, songs like the cascading "The Writing's on the Wall" hit a homerun, and there are still a slew of flashy six-stringed tricks exposed on PEDAL TO THE METAL to excite the guitar freak. Yet, Impellitteri goes the extra mile, unlike his shredding contemporaries, and made sure to include some compelling hard rock tunes for all audiences, not just gear heads and axe fans.
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