The World/Inferno Friendship Society East Coast Super Sounds Punk of Today (Gern Blandsten) By: Alex Steininger Punked-up, swinging vaudeville rock 'n' roll with show tune flare, thirteen piece The World/Inferno Friendship Society collect their four vinyl EP's and release them for the first time on CD.
East Coast Super Sounds Punk of Today is fun; it is glamorous; and wickedly fresh. The show stopping vaudeville-noise of "Tattoos Fade" clamors while the rollicking tongue-in-cheek rock of "The Models and The Mannequins" leaves you with chills.
The wild noise of "Our Candidate" is a complete 180 of the loose pop and dance beats of "All Of California and Everyone Who Lives There Stinks"; the swinging "Jeffrey Lee" will have you dancing the mamba; and the Vaudeville-goes-punk of "Pumpkin Time" sends you flying.
The World/Inferno Friendship Society aren't one of those bands you have to 'get' to enjoy; they're so fucked up and out-of-this-world that no matter how hard you try, you'll never them. Yet, you'll enjoy them nonetheless. All I can say is... these guys are weird. I'll give it a B+.