The Evaporators Honk The Horn (Mint Records) By: Gary "Pig" Gold The artist still known as Nardwuar (The Human Serviette) and his latest all-star band of Evaporators celebrate their latest mega-successful West Coast tour with seven vinyl inches of musico-social insanity, Canadian-style.
Song titles alone (i.e. "I Don't Need My Friends To Tell Me Who My Friends Are") surely tell the story even if you DON'T still possess a working turntable, while wild, winsome link-tracks documenting Nardwuar's latest run-ins with the celebrity cesspool (in this particular case, Tommy Lee is the thoroughly unsuspecting victim) only add to the fun'n'frolic overall.
Nardwuar and his merry band of men really and truly are on to a great big something here you know, and they honestly have been for years already. Everyone reading this right now should seriously consider jumping aboard then -- immediately!