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Rainer Maria Ears Ring (Polyvinyl Records) By: Alex Steininger

Less wailing and more singing from front woman Caithlin De Marrais, who actually sings on key this time around (not that her off-key singing was ever a bad thing, it always added distinctiveness to the past albums). The Ears Ring single, including the title track, is a teaser for the band's upcoming full-length, Long Knives Drawn, to be released in the spring of 2003.Three songs and nine minutes of music, the single opens with "Ears Ring," a post-punk, slightly-melodic, buzzing guitar rock that finds the band in perfect form, playing indie rock with plenty of vigor, though keeping it light enough to add room for melody and ensuring Caithlin's voice isn't overpowered. "Alchemy" and "Automatic", only available on this single, follow-up "Ears Ring" with more buzzing guitars, post-punk rock 'n' roll, playing to the indie rockers with its sense of just play it loud and mean it, while capturing a glimmer of pop to further the effectiveness of the melody. A good teaser, the Ears Ring single makes me want to hear the next Rainer Maria record. I'll give this a B.
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