Warrior The Wars of Gods and Men (Reality Entertainment) By: Jeb Branin To be perfectly honest this CD couldn't have landed in my hands at a more perfect time. For the past few weeks I have been listening to almost nothing but 80s thrash metal and although WARRIOR were never a thrash band, I am still far more receptive to this album now than I would have been a few months ago. For many, WARRIOR's 1985 debut Fighting For the Earth was a classic. I bought it and I liked it, but considering the multitude of stellar releases that year, it never came close to becoming a favorite. The band literally disappeared shortly after its release and I never even missed them. A decade later they reformed, but until The Wars of Gods and Men I hadn't heard any of their new material.
I'm pleasantly surprised. WARRIOR has recruited the services of former KROKUS vocalist Marc Storace (whose leather lungs have always been a personal favorite) and the choice might accurately be described as a stroke of genius. The precise delivery of WARRIOR's quasi-power metal forms a solid framework for Storace to work his magic on. Stellar songwriting, sharp production and just the right balance of aggression and class mark this CD as a near must have for fans of pure metal.