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Future Leaders of the World LVL IV (Epic Records) By: Mike SOS
The story of how this band got discovered is a bit of a fairytale, as fate recalls it all happened backstage at a Puddle of Mudd show after a visit with a psychic rendered that particular date to be the most fruitful. Yeah, whatever. If that's not enough for you to turn tail and run, you're a brave soul and will be compensated, as Future Leaders of the World, although mammothly generic, have a certain charm about them that evokes the spirit of Cobain through the guise of radio friendly corporate rock. While the whole 10-track escapade utilizes every device heard in the last seven years of popular rock, from rapping to screamo to tortured soul vocalizations, somehow, the anguish seems genuine, even while pumped through the enormous major label rock sound. Nothing to get totally excited about as much as to get used to being played to death, if you can stomach Puddle of Mudd, Three Doors Down, and the ilk, then LVL IV isn't half-bad.
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