Wanted A Girl (self-released)
By: Alex Steininger

Fronted by Gregg Sarfaty, Stewboss deliver serene songs tackling the issue of the dreamer within; whether or not dreams are possible or if you should give it your all to make your dreams come true.Roots rock, Americana, and tender, supple country, Stewboss' songs are both relaxing and motivating. Everyone has a dreamer within himself or herself. Whether or not that dreamer has been silenced due to failure or naysayers is only seen by you. And as Stewboss explore their dreams and ambitions, the doors are unlocked as you realize dreams are possible, despite the set backs and the roadblocks. And the only thing standing in between you and your dreams is not the naysayers, but you and your fears and reservations.
The warmth and friendliness of "Heaven of Mine" will have you smiling and ready to act on your dream; the grit and raunchy rock of "Let's Go For A Ride" will push you to not allow anything to stand in your way. And the light hearted, soft flow of "I Think She Wants Me Dead" is all you need to see things clearly.
But the album is filled with track after track of motivating, entertaining, and enjoyable songwriting that will have you thinking, dreaming, and smiling as you reflect on the fact that Stewboss was able to realize their dream (release a CD to the word).
"A Walk In Spain" pours out the emotions through contemplative vocals and a dripping acoustic guitar, whereas "The Good Morning Song" bulldozes through all the doubts and reservations in the world with its stumbling, wild, dirty guitars and fierce, hard-hitting rhythms.
Somber and fun, hearty and relaxed, Stewboss creates an outgoing album sure to please. Wanted A Girl is a living testament to the fact that dreams do come true and that all it takes is hard work, motivation, and some patience to make things happen. I'll give this a B+.