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Unruh Setting Fire To Sinking Ships (Pessimiser Records) By: Jeb Branin

The only possible reason I can think of to "set fire to sinking ships" would be to make sure that the destruction was utter and complete. Hmmm... Now that I've said that, I realize this is a perfect theme for UNRUH, a band whose campaign of musical destruction is utterly complete. UNRUH concoct an aural tsunami that has at its foundation extreme hardcore thrash but is in no way limited to that. They also have learned the lessons of musical mutilation ala the very best of grindcore and they know the value of being heavy enough to crush bone ala various forms of extreme metal. They also know that sometimes the best way to make a song really destructive is to infuse it with contrast. They counterpoise their dominant whirlwind of speed and frenzy with moments of dark (almost introspective) melody that provide an almost deceptive calm. It is not unlike flying into a hurricane. For the most part you are going to get tossed about by powers too grand to oppose but just as soon as you think you are going to get pulverized you break through into the eye of the storm. You breathe a sigh of relief but you know you are far from safe because the torrential power of the storm is all around you and inevitably it is going to have at you again and quite likely rip you apart. Needless to say (so of course I will), UNRUH are a band for the extreme music adventurer. The rest of you are too wimpy to even dare.
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