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Beefcake Rejected (Fearless Records) By: Alex Steininger

New York's four-piece pop-punk act Beefcake take being the loser of the school to the extreme (with plenty of humor) and crank out non-stop thrills that will have you laughing for hours. Though they are your typical pop-punk band and they sound like every other band out there, they have the humor and cleverness going for them that a lot of the other's don't.Songs like "Little Bus" with lines like "I ride the little bus to school" and the soon-to-be-a-classic "Bob Saget [I Hate You]" with the instant smile opener of "It's all a mystery to me/ How did you ever make it on T.V.?/ You must suck a mean dick" quickly establish Beefcake as the comedians they are. Other songs like "Funny Guy," "My Dominatrix," "Proctologist," "Postal Worker," and "Fuck 'Em" all prove that this band get you laughing and keep you laughing throughout. Now, they may not be original in the musical department, and they may not be the best at their instruments. But damn, can they blend a joke with some good punk aggression and a nice pop hook. And, after all, isn't that all that counts in the world of rock 'n' roll? Have fun, be heard, and make people laugh. That's all the band is after, and they accomplish it well. I'll give this a B.
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