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Bee and Flower What's Mine is Yours (Neurot Records) By: Scott D. Lewis

There are nights ... nights when we began drinking a bit too early and thus retire to bed early ... when we awake in the brilliant blackness, sometime just after *last call,* still slightly buzzed, and the world looks different. It's distant and dark, yet filled with solace and wondrous possibilities. New York upshots Bee and Flower make music of, and for, those moments...sweet and sad, deeply familiar yet wholly unknown, beguiling, bewitching and damn beautiful. It's art. Sound to feed and soothe the soul. Music for the immaculately messy mind. Dana Schechter (from Michael Gira's Angels of Light) has the voice of a gorgeously bruised angel; her heavy whispers carry the weight of the world, but float effortlessly over our terra firma. Propelling her travels and travails are the airy and aching, calming turmoil crafted by the remainder of the band: Lynn Wright's guitar work flows with watery finesse; Rod Miller's keyboard creations are simultaneously sensual and stormy; drummer Ani Cordero lays down elusive, medicated marches; Jon Petrow adds an other-worldly element with his cunning viola and xylophone. It's all quite hedonistic and heady ... like greeting your moonlit morning with a meaty Merlot or a touch of morphine ... or maybe even both.
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