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Himsa Ground Breaking Ceremony (Revelation Records) By: Jeb Branin

This is a very intriguing release. Probably best described as post-hardcore because of the complexity and metallic overtones throughout the CD there is still no way to overlook the harsh and visceral passion present. This vibe is an undeniable umbilical to the roots of hardcore that give HIMSA a quality that is almost as reflective as it is progressive. The end result is an album that is undoubtably going to crossover many boundaries in its appeal. From emo to new breed to punk to metal to whatever-the-hell. There are, however, moments when the band members seem to bog down a bit in their delivery almost let the juggernaut created overtake them and consume them. At times they try and get reflective and try and let a dark and ominous feel permeate their sound but it doesn't really work well because the more direct and heavy handed delivery that inevitably bookmarks this introspection overwhelms it and makes it seem shallow by comparison. They also fall into a trap of trying to use repetition as a way to build tension (ala early RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE) but the technique seems too trite for an album that is otherwise so inspired.
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