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VARIOUS ARTISTS Moonlight Corporation V 1.0 (Sector 19 & Ackerman Studio Design) By: Mallachin
Grating rhythms, bouncy female vox lead EBM, concussive machines, and guitar-riff laden Coldwave typify this soundscape's harder tones. "Moonlight Corporation V 1.0" from Sector19 is an interesting international performance. Musicians from France, Belgium, Germany, the UK, and the USA cover the whole sound spectrum of Industrial. Tin.RP's ("AnimalFarm") assault of scratchy Noise-scapes invokes an almost Zen-like experience while samples echo listlessly into thin air and repeating electronic grindings crackle ritualistically. Silencer's ("FullBandwith") concussive Noise experiment is a mechanical delight; rich, like two broken machines scraping goodbyes on their way to an incinerator. From the Noise side to the beat-oriented side of this compilation, each band is quality.The ebm side also shows a strong presence. Aiboforcen's ("Twilight World") sonorous lilting refreshes the ear from the typical vocalizations of distorted male lyrics while tight but driving beats punctuate a danceable song structure. SMP's ("Militia Love") mid-paced display of a light and tongue-in-cheek seasoning of samples maintains the consistency of their old sound, which is preferred (many bands refine a sound and then change it suddenly in the middle of their career throwing fans off the bandwagon, leaving them sprawled on the dusty road, and wondering what went wrong -- SMP just gets better). All around, this first compilation from Sector 19 http://www.sector19.com shows what is happening on all fronts of the Industrial scene. + Plus an Enhanced Interactive Track with Autorun + This compilation is a great showing of the Boston-based record label Sector19. "Moonlight Corporation V 1.0", the first of three compilations in a series showcasing a myriad salvo of sound. Available now at http://www.sector19.com, so get your copies while they're still hot off the presses. Sector 19: dedicated to all forms of Electronic music such as Industrial, Gothic, Noise, EBM, Darkwave, Trance, Gabba, Experimental sound frequencies, Dance machine, digital Hardcore, Cyberpunk etc.
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